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I use very specific ruse sets online and don't follow Smogon rules.
I have won most of my online battles through disconnects.
How to Win Gen 7:
Shiinotic: Spore, Leech Seed, Strength Sap, Substitute, holding leftovers.
Mismagius: Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Magic Coat, Protect, Eject Button
Dugtrio: Stealth Rock, Protect, EQ and Sucker Punch, Arena Trap+Focus Sash
Smeargle: Endeavor, Extremespeed, Lock On, OHKO move, Moody+Focus Sash
Exadrill: Rapid Spin, EQ, Iron Head, Hone Claws, Rocky Helmet
Xerneus: Moonblast, Geomancy, Hidden Power Water, Flash Cannon, White Herb.