Quoted By:
>Visit Christmas market down town
>8 year old boy is walking slowly in front of my playing Go
>Mother sees me and tells him to hurry up stop blocking people
>Laugh and say it's alright
>Ask him what team he's in
>He says Instinct
>Excitedly tells me he caught a Beedrill earlier and he's seen a Venomoth
>Tells me his friend has completed the Pokedex
>"Even the regionals?"
>"I'm afraid I think your friend has been cheating kids."
>"He's even got Zapdos!!"
>"He totally hasn't."
>"He has!!!"
>"I think he's yanking your chain."
>"No I've seen it, he has Zapdos!!!"
It's pretty cute when small kids learn you like Pokemon and get all enthusiastic about it, but they sure are gullible. Unless his friend is apparently some master hacker or something.