>>41422625I really enjoy some parts but they're undercut by how awful some things are
Wild Area's variety is really great, raids are fun. Leveling mons, getting the right moves/abilities, and teambuilding/catching in general feels good. You can switch out mons at the drop of the hat, and use more over the course of a run.
routes are lackluster, 1-2 more wild areas instead with some sort of metroidvania progression would've been better (the story has no real thrust so doing towns in any order could've worked imo)
the dexcut directly undercuts the variety of the wild area and the ease of teambuilding.
The gyms being treated like sport was a really cool angle. but the story had basically nothing going on. towns are super empty.
There's a lot of good mons, but also some of the worst in the series (namely the starters)