>>28019264I hate the autistic conservative hive mind of the mods and high ladder players, and its worse in UU, you cant just discuss about original sets in good terms because you get instantly shat on by the mod on turn and his autistic herd, its like if you arent part of "the inner circle" your opinions are sht and you are a shitty scrub without a voice
I quitted my tryhard UU account after one of those UTL, I will try to green text because fuck it
>be me like 2 year-ish ago>playing at the UTL>get paired against top 15>he is also a mod>me playing with LO yanmega>he only has one good wall for it for it>he goes for crocune (fuck that set)>I use AV toxicroak>with dry skin>Force the switch >AV toxicroak not giving a fuck, because drain punch>he finally takes AV croak down>Yanmega sweeps>I win>because he is a mod, his autistic herd is on the chat>he starts to flame me over my autistic scrub sets>"AV croak is shit and everyone who uses it sucks at the game">"Yanmega is RU for a reason and yet you use it, you really suck">"every dog has its day, lucky prick">I reply>dudefuckyou.png>Instantly banned>have to create a new account and ladder again>mfw