>>57503567when corporations have a good design, they always have to sabotage it, because they're always forced by corporate incentives to try to grow as much as possible
so they always have to try to chase after some new mythical "wider audience" which may or may not even exist, instead of just cultivating what they have
so they make stuff blander and blander to try to appeal to as many people at once as possible, but they instead end up appealing to fewer people
the new stuff is too safe and bland, so it doesn't bring enough of a new audience in, and now it's lost all of the charm that the old audience used to like, so it retains less of them, too
appreciate what we once had, and for now, just wait
for now, we bide our time and look forward in hopes of an eventual revival
it could be something good again
but it'll never be what it was
that will always be special