>>36330705It's a long one, so I'll try to compress it down. Basically I had this online friend, we met in early 2014 through a mutual friend and became very close.We did date once briefly (long distance), but it didn't work out mostly due to my own mistakes. Over the course of our time together, we each hurt the other a whole lot, but despite everything I really loved him, and honestly part of me still does. Anyways, we each have a couple sentimental Pokemon from the other person, so sometime in ~2016, I asked for a Shiny Maractus. He obliged then traded her to me and that was Calypso. I then proceeded to collect every single Ribbon for her. I know it's only a bit of code, but the OT still means so much to me though we aren't part of each other's lives anymore. I still miss him dearly everyday and hope more than anything that he's having a better time now.