>>54205060You cared enough to click on this thread and complain, Yawnfag.
Anyway, currently going through Sun. Just defeated Totem Lurantis. because there was nothing that she or Castform could do to hurt my Crobat.
Three deaths: Rowlet, Carbink and Magnemite.
Fomantis is newest team member, replacing my Ledian who I really want to bring back to team later but currently it's kinda lacking in moves.
Don Claw, Freddie and Vlad are ex-Team Skull Pokemon that got released due to being "not good enough". They currently try to prove themselves by working together under name "Team Cranium". Don Claw is your typical boss with plenty of ambitions, Vlad is quiet guy that prefers doing things than talking. Freddie is clumsy, little fella with a lot of complexes about his older brother that works as Pokemon of security chief of Aether.