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Currently doing a randomized White2 Nuzlocke. Types, base stats, abilities, TMs, and movesets are all randomized, as well as pokemon and items found in the wild. Must catch first pokemon found on the route, except if it's a pokemon I've already caught, in which case I get another encounter until it's a new pokemon.
Casualties (may they RIP in pieces):
My starter was a Poison/Ghost Archeops with Speed Boost named Aesther. Gone to a Masquerain with 108 base attack and a crit Night Slash followed by Pursuit when switching out.
Lost my Flying-type Seismatoad, Todd, to two Ice-type Gastrodon using Icicle Crash with the inability to escape.
Also recently lost my Ground-type Jumpluff, Hoppa, one-shotted by a Water/Flying Bellossom with Bubble and 177 special attack.
Currently have active in-team:
Flying/Steel Rampardos w/ Shadow Tag
Rock Jirachi w/ Sturdy
Water Tyrannitar w/ Magnet Pull
Dark/Electric Cinccino w/ Frisk
Grass/Ghost Unown w/ Volt Absorb
Ground/Dragon Eelektross w/Sand Veil