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haven't done this in a while
this list goes from S+ to F
left to right is high subtier to low subtier
nice fucking nerfs, nothing fucking changed lol. as long as HB's maxHP% damage is not nerfed it will continue to relentlessly chunk enemies and objectives with continuous CDR. outrage still kind of stinks, but a little better with buffed espeed. still, just keep running DD/HB
still pretty good, slow smoke doesn't affect it that much since good players run full heal anyway and has triple axel to get out of the way
holy shit man this thing's nuts now. making it keep moving while throwing out fire blasts and flamethrowers now makes it deceptively fast. on top of that, it still retains its role as an ult machine. basically guarantees a kill on anything with its ult thats not a tank or defender.
from one of the worst to pretty good. adding slow to everything seems like an effortless cop out to buff this, but honestly the most simple things are the best. dig having a better CC, especially at Dig+ is the cherry on top with slow smoke being the sprinkles
not complete trash as some people say but it really needs help. can endlessly CC people with curse/leech but other defenders can do that easier and better. i wish its gimmick was just being an HP sustain monster rather than "this does this more at high/low HP"
this fucking sucks but razor leaf does more damage the more HP the enemy has. with how good bulkier mons are right now, razor leaf as tankbuster is a very niche choice