that was by far the worst fight holy fucking shit
>galar corsola>doublade>spiritomb>chandelure>gengar>mimikyuthis field is absolutely fucking retarded in every way, i genuinely feel fear for you rg since you can't get any normal types at the moment
i started pyroar since corsola could do nothing to it, this makes him swap to chandelure so i hard swap to onix, onix rock tombs and slides to kill it, dies to gengar, diggersby finishes gengar and turns the field on using nature power discharge
this leads to mimikyu, i just do as much damage as i can with sandaconda before it dies, then finish off with pyroar. this lures in spiritomb, i sack a mon (whiscash, here) and runerigus can curse the spiritomb. this then tricks the AI to spam its retarded recovery move a lot, so pyroar can set up noble roars and work ups behind a sub. once spiritomb dies the other 2 don't matter
>>55980631i don't know if this is input reading, on my winning attempt the spiritomb began spamming sucker punch a whole bunch, but either way this can go fuck itself to hell a thousand times over
Whiteouts: 58
you will never be a man
>>55980668yeah, i dunno man
i just don't know how to get past that chandelure, without like, burning the focus sash you get from the caves beneath the grand door, and it's not like the rest of the team isn't awful too