>>36116834actual dude who posted the comment you replied here:
When it comes to suicide rates amongst trannies you are very very right but i strongly believe it is because they are enclosed in a hugbox which does not let them express or live as they want, saying that trannies are oppressed is right but they are oppressed by either too much padding that reduces them to nobodies without a personality dependant on antidepressants ready to snap at any second because they realize that everyone has either huge or little expectations for them making them feel like an attraction at the zoo, on the same level of an animal just to be seen or touched and to be amazed by its existence and to be forgotten as soon as you get out of the zoo itself. To summarize it imagine being dropped on a a slab of concrete, no padding and you fucking die, too much padding and you won't be able to get out of the padding after landing and have a nervous breakdown the second you manage to touch it. Through >actual< emotional support people manage to get through a lot of shit without any problems and the support in this case was given by a popplio then by a brionne and then a primarina all throughout the dude's life he got help passing through the existencial hardship of changing sex thus growing into a healthy adult. Make what you will of this wall of text.
t. not a tranny