>>28109971Pic related, I listed things.
Kalos is good for a single playthrough. But not much after that. Characters have no depth. Shauna is faker than WWE. Calem has no hat. Special pokemon are handed to you (Snorlax, Lapras, Lucario)*. Few puzzles, but the ones it has are alright. Not enough exploration, I feel like Gamefreak is pointing me into a single direction at every chance. Many, many missed opportunities; game/story seems rushed.
I'd like to believe that most of the game's development went to the art, but that leaves the writers doing absolutely nothing for a year? I know the game is meant for children, but this particular iteration was catered to the original fans (free Gen 1 starters, Snorlax, Lapras, Viridian Forest remake, BirdTrio & Mewtwo).
The game could have had a bit more girth(hehe) to it. Improved storyline, more exploration, use of the many many oceans/caves that surround the region. More puzzles/putting in effort for hidden Legendaries.