>>47817467Alright, time to post my own
Role: Defender
Style: Melee
Stat: Mixed (physical empowered basic attack, physical rollout, special otherwise)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Statline: Unusually tanky and weak, with double digit damage at best from normal basic attacks. A bit slower than other characters. Benefits immensely from HP held items, as its defensive stats are lopsided.
Basic Attack: Every third attack, Shuckle wraps the opponent, jumping on them, briefly stunning them, and dealing a percentage of the target's max HP as damage. Shuckle is unable to move or use basic attacks while the enemy is stunned, but can still use moves.
Passive: Contrary - All stat changes inflicted by the enemy team are reversed. (This does not include Mr. Mime's Guard Split)
Moveslot 1
Shell Smash - Shuckle generates another layer of shell protection, increasing defense and special defense but sharply decreasing attack, special attack and speed for a short time.
Level 4 options:
Sleep Talk- Shuckle falls asleep on the spot and restores their HP rapidly. After a delay, Shuckle will use one of the 6 other non-unite moves they can learn randomly, regardless of currently learned moves, then wake up shortly afterwards.
Power Trick - For a short while, Shuckle's Attack and Defense are swapped, Shuckle's movement speed is increased, and Shuckle's moveslot 2 is replaced by Rollout. Using Power Trick a second time before the duration ends will instead refresh the duration.
Note: special attack and special defense remain unchanged.