>>53642503>they dont want people to abuse those perks, you idiot. You dont know how the game is run. You're a complete moron and the worst kind. One who thinks they know what they're talking about.>Dont reply to me, because Im tired of explaining shit to a know-it-all know nothing. You can cope all you want about how you have no dust, and how you think the game is personally trying to help you, like a low IQ child, but reality will always allude you.Jesus Christ, you sound like you believe you're one of the fucking devs. I was just saying your point makes just as much sense as mine, and if you think that makes ME retarded, then you need to get your head out of your ass and actually think through your ideas more.
Regardless, if Niantic made it a bonus, people would abuse the shit out of it like they already were with the lure bonuses. Do you know how much stardust you can bank with 100 Paras field research encounters with 4x or greater stardust per catch, let alone Trubbish or Shellder? I made fucking bank during Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day because of the lure bonus.