>brightpowder stamina torterra with the retarded partner spamming weak moves so it could build up defense buffs with stamina>followed by the bitch spamming tetra potionsfuck you game
bunken when you reach the halls of deception or whatever it's called, take the lower left path the rest are time wasting bullshit
>>55239479for fucking once, goddamn it
how is that sylvester, literally one of the cucked and spineless protagonists in all of media history, is still more badass than this excuse of an MC
>>55239458idk bro
both the villains are omnipotent but also complete retards
and yet the heroes don't take advantage of the retardation, on top of the fact they're even bigger retards
literally the only thing that makes this competitive with 'worst pokemon fangame story ever' is that there's no metashit