>>12231368>Nymphs can represent several ideas; ghosts, fairies, flying, grass, etc.Sylveon's name in all languages, as a whole, relates to fairies. And considering each Eeveelution's name is based directly on its type, the most logical conclusion is...
>RelativeThat's a terrible way of dismissing an argument. Relative to what?
>Not as official as OP's chartSince you're talking about charts, pic related. Sylveon's type is indicated to be a pink color distinct from Psychic. "Fairy" is the only thing I can think of that would possibly fit that, but I'm willing to admit it might be something else. Either way the evidence seems to imply it's a new type.
>Inference based on the groundbreaking evidence that "huuhuehue X and Y are genes d00d" and Mewtwo form (which has received no actual explanation)Well, that's one thing I can agree on. The "biology theme", if we can even call it that, doesn't seem to support there being a Fairy type.
tl;dr - We can't definitively say what type Sylveon will be, but your assessment that there's more evidence for Flying than Fairy is plainly false.