>>36564724Hello /vp/, I’m just dropping by to give a little insight to the upcoming Beta servers (soon to go live eta: November 10th-14th (Pokémon Bank to be brought over to Nintendo Online)
1) Pokemon Bank will have a major impact on transferring Pokémon to and from GO! including special Pokémon unable to be retrieved elsewhere (including but not limited to) Past Community Day Event-Mons with special moves-
2) Rudamentary item hold system (for evolutions) but mostly for healing with berries.
3) Wild Pokemon holding items, subject to rarity pools.
4a) PVP - local, not broad, coming Pre-Christmas to Beta servers. Will be publicly available sometime in 2019 Q1(projected) but subject to change with specific lineups of events planned.
4b) Broad PvP system: Is a mechanic currently being worked on, will have ties to upcoming 2019 releases of Gen 8 on the Switch utilizing Nintendo Online and a new link-in system that will bring the Global Trade / Global PVP Ranked and Non Ranked battles.
4c) Currently working on getting GO! as part of Nintendo’s E-Sport lineup (TCG/VGC) Worlds! International! National! — with Community Lead events. More news to come in mid 2019.
Nothing else of note aside Gen 4 and some of 5’s mechanics being brought into GO’s system outside of a yearly event where a previous Gen is pushed out so a current rotation of 3 Gens at any given time are given precedence with each year having a “ Kanto “ week, “ Johto “ week , and so on to so forth. To give everyone a chance.
Lastly, the cap on levels will be 100 but for PvP there will be two formats for Official Worlds! matches.
1) Level 50 Pokemon cap (stats will not go beyond level 50 and will be reduced if above set limits allowed)
- you can enter with a level 100 Pokemon but like the VGC it will scale down to level 50
2) Pokemon will only be accepted after a specific date (retconning certain influences that allowed some players an eye early on in the mobile game)