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This year we got a 3/10 pokemon game. When are we getting some decent shit like gen 2,3,4 and 5?
The only good remake left is Sinnoh. If they pull a fast one we will get Unova 3.0, which will be much better than the garbage this year.
They are running out of chances because once those remakes come out there will be lots interest lost by people who have never played the main franchise, because there is less hypetrain which means less people are going to play it, or even watch the trailers.
Sword and Shield got people to buy the games no doubt and they will next year as well but the substandard quality is killing potential sales past the first weeks because there is lack of content to continue hyping the games.
Look at the trash new gen games that have come out in the past years.
With the pattern of releasing 3 versions of the same game they are making the same mistakes 3 times because things like Story, Map, Characters and Ultra Beasts cannot be changed. Nobody gives a fuck about a hawaiian island pokemon game it sounds fucking terrible. Alola and ultrabeasts are ugly shit.
I want to know what the fuck those idiots are planning in the studio everyday.
You want to attract kids to play the game you gotta do it the same way in the early gens, by making a good game that thosen't feel cheap. Keep and compress features that older players enjoyed in the original games, and everybody will enjoy the franchise and do your shill marketing for you every year. Fucking retarded - TPCi and GF.