>>46650245Already mentioned it few times but Virtual / Cyber / Tech type would be great. Not yet though, maybe in 2-3 more gens.
- Has huge pool of concepts to make new Pokemon of without converting anything more than maybe 3 lines of existing Pokemon (which is good, because changing types of existing stuff is bad if overdone like with Fairy type)
- Wouldn't have issues getting cool moves, whatever it would be special, physical or status moves (unlike Fairy type)
- Isn't a sub-type like Sound, Punch or Bite
- Isn't easily belittled like other new type ideas. Mainly because yes, it can be compared to Electric types, but also Steel, Normal and even Psychic types.
- If needed can balanced around giving Ice types an advantage (freeze/lag) and Fairy types disadvantage (Fantasy vs. Technology)
- could be a new 'rare' type like the ones mentioned in
>>46650344 in gen 1 and 2. Not everyone can afford top tier technology.
- Light green/teal color like the one here
>>46650704 could also fit and we only really have Grass (normal green) and Bug (dark green) for it.