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While I hate cuteshit with a burning passion, borbmons have a special place in my heart.
I hate Fighting type as a concept. Possibly more than Fairy. Every other type is reasonable in what constitutes as a mon of that type, but what constitutes as a "Fighting" Pokemon? All Pokemon can fight, so what makes Hitmonchan or Machamp special?
Pokken was the most fun I've had with a spinoff and we deserve a proper Pokemon action game. Obviously not done by game freak.
PMD is probably the worst dungeon crawler/Mystery Dungeon game I've played, barred unpolished indie titles and primitive MSX/NES/Master System-era RPGs. And I was never hooked on the plot either. Yeah they might have better writing than the mainline games, but that's not really a hurdle.
They honestly should make a pokemon game targeted towards a mature audience. Not mature as in grimdark, but mature as in preparing the player for PvP competitive by hitting us with complex battles that force the player to use strategies other than "just break out the sweeper". I know what some of you are going to say next, and I have a response prepared for that too:
Nuzlockes are for morons and self-imposed challenge runs aren't a substitute for finely-tuned difficulty. That being said, fanmade difficulty/adjustment hacks that just hand out BST boosts and retypings to shitmons are doing it wrong. Drayano's heart is in the right place but he falls into a few of those trappings.
We can't get a decent linear Pokemon game and you guys want to see Pokemon become open world? Go download Pixelmon or something.
I want an official Pokemon Tabletop game, but I'd want the battle system to take inspiration from the TCG over the mainline game. I feel like the TCG mechanics could cross over to a D&D-clone better than the mainline games could.