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A couple weeks ago, I had to take my older brother's phone and lock myself in my room with it. Why? He had my Pokemon Y game and was transferring EVERYTHING to his Pokemon Omega Ruby game. Since he took something from me, I took something from him. The argument got so serious that he started to thrust a knife at me from under the door. Eventually, the whole thing was settled and I got the Pokemon he only claimed to have taken back.
Just yesterday, I was playing my Pokemon Y game to notice MY DIANCIE WAS MISSING. It was fairly obvious that he took it, and he did. He even admitted it, but for the excuse that he was getting the mega stone for Diancie. Fair enough.
I had forgotten to get it back from him, and he was at Wal-Mart, so I got his 3DS to take it back myself. I was gonna transfer it back to Pokemon Y via the Pokemon Bank, and when I did, I saw a LOT of Pokemon in there with the OT "LEO". Just to make sure he didn't take anything else, I checked all of my Gen 5 games.
Pokemon Black and Pokemon White 2 were his, so I didn't check those.
Pokemon Black 2 seemed untouched.
Pokemon White, however, WAS MISSING A ZEKROM. The game was as good as ruined without the signature legendary, does he have no consideration for me? I checked through all of the boxes on his Omega Ruby game. He had taken the Zekrom as well as a Yveltal, a shiny Metang, and like 7 other Pokemon.
I also decided to check Pokemon Diamond (Pokemon Diamond was mine, he had chosen Pearl at the time.). DIALGA WAS MISSING. He literally left everything untouched (except a Magnezone) and took my Dialga. Great, another game ruined.
As of now, he hasn't figured out I took my Pokemon back.
Mind you, my brother is 20, and he steals Pokemon. No. Life.