alright, time to write a novel
Decided to take the bull by the horns and see if I could add a completely new trainer to Route 1 in pokered disassembly. Saved my current progress in a separate folder, compared all the existing files to see what was needed to be in place, and this is what I did:
scripts\route1.asm the text from a different route asm file to the top of the document, replaced all numbers to 1, added a fourth text pointer, a Route1TrainerHeader0, and more text pointers at the bottom.
text\maps\route1.asm the trainer would say before and after the battle, and then talking to them after that.
data\mapObjects\Route1.asm a new trainer to the map objects, with the $4 pointing to the text files, and the $d pointing to which Youngster team would be used. I hope.
data\trainer_parties.asm showing off the Youngster category. The very bottom one was unused, so I gave it a low levelled Rattata and changed the footnote to say that it's now used for Route 1, corresponding to the $d in the above mapObject paragraph.
constants\event_constants.asm appears to be a whole lot of space for new events since so few of them are labelled, but just for simplicity's sake, I placed this trainer battle event right next to the event that handles the free potion you receive.