>We free Venam who is understandably angry towards Marianette for causing this clusterfuck as an escape attempt>Holy shit that's a lot of dialog>And then the 3 girls waiting outside the sewers decide to do stuff in West Gearen City>I then ask for a new team but holy shit these threads are so slow that the thread managed to get archived by the time I got half a fucking teamWhiteout counter: 8
Confirmed deaths: 4
Voided: 2?
Acts of torture: 2
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 1
Bad guys escape somehow: 1
Good guys escape somehow: 4
Absols: 1
Player-caused Mercy Killings: 2
Previous Threads: the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Rejuvenation, another Pokemon fangame made in RPG maker>It's a long and "hard" fangame, with an even more schizophrenic plot than Reborn.>Who gets used, who we catch, etc. will all be chosen by you, the thread.