>>44582099So I've done some autistic math. And I've learned some things. Thankfully Persian is 1m tall (long) as a basis for us to work from.
Based on how Persian is measured in the Pokemon world, Giovanni's height in LGPE can range anywhere from 2.65m to 1.23m. Since LGPE makes everyone manlets, even in the official artbooks like
>>44582198 said, the lower end of these heights seem more accurate to LGPE.
I also discovered that the Masters model, although not shown in pic related, is very similar in pixel length to the LGPE model so I didn't bother measuring it, cause it seems Masters kinda meets a middle ground between the LGPE and USUM artsyles just with normal-sized heads, at least for Giovanni.
And if I'm being honest, I think the Masters model height would require a lot more work to figure out and I don't have a program to compare all three models which is why I'm using MS Paint.Assuming from the LGPE height experiment from earlier that the correct Persian measurement to use would be from head-to-tail, we can use this to approximate Giovanni's height from his USUM model which would give him a height of 1.84m, which lands in the ballpark that
>>44581836 gave us.
In conclusion? Giovanni is on the tight-rope of being taller or shorter than 1.83m/6ft. So really, whether or not he is a manlet depends on who you ask, or whatever official canon we get when they inevitably bring him back and some random interviewer asks a question. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.