alright, final team! thank god for super speed up! let's go!
>>46047678i would honestly just use docs for ren plat and plan from there. that being said there's lots of ways to beat roark, marshtomp, starmie, turtwig with a curse can cut through a lot of the team, phanpy or geodude can set up defense curls on nosepass and go to town, etc.
>>46047603what's jasmine's team in general? you could just lead with fearow or something and obliterate the gallade if that's what she leads with.
it only has bug and psychic coverage so don't be afraid about bringing stuff like tauros or raticate or whatnot.
>>46047652 is a pretty good list, but remember it will have fury cutter for the exeggutor
>>46047391>>46047227thanks! after playing a lot of romhacks you begin to appreciate more underused mons in nuzlockes