>>47676889I want to add more to this because Gardefuckers really got the short end of the stick, well those that liked the guardian aspect of it.
It's noticeable because GameFreak never really gave it any new lore from gen 3 and onwards. It was just the same lore from Gen 3 but written differently. Gen 4 is probably the only time it got a "new" entry and that was close to 15 years ago.
I want to note how much different the entry for the photodex is compared to what it is in-game:
>Gardevoir's powers allow it to do things such as predict the future or make objects float in the air. In the forest, it was using its psychic power to entertain other Pokémon.Their dex entry:
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gardevoir_(Pok%C3%A9mon)It literally has nothing to do with the whole theme of the character except for the future sight. But aside from that nothing.
As I said it's notecable because other Pokemon do, in fact, have photodex entries that correspond to their dex entry. If they wanted to keep it accurate to the dex entry they could've made it like a "fatherly" figure to the deerling or something like that (those are males). But they didn't. They made it into something just doing parlor tricks for entertainment. When you compare it to other Pokemon with similar dex entries such as:
You can find their photodex entries here:
https://www.serebii.net/newpokemonsnap/lentalphotodex.shtmlAll their pokedex entries deal with them being guardian or protector figures. In the case of Absol and Espeon they act as a guide and protector for the player.
And than you have Goodra's photodex entry:
I suspect the Goodra in the cave lives near water so it can moisten up its protective goo when it needs to. Goodra are very kindhearted and do their best to protect other Pokémon.
You can see how cucked Gardefags got here. Literally the new lore entry Gardevoir has gotten in 15 years and it's one that does away with it's whole identity lmao