>>38966719Cyber slueth actually used a similar style to pokemon. You can teach them virtually any move by evolving/devolving them aside from signature moves. They get around this via a normal attack animation, and a casting animation for the skills, much like gamefreaks catchall physical/special animations. There's alot less attacks than pokemon to be sure, but pokemon also reuses alot of assets for their attacks. There's less digimon but their designs are much more complicated and the models look better. So we have 300+ good models each with generic and a flash super move to them vs 800+ ok models each with generic animations. Seems roughly even or more in pokemons favor until you consider that those 800 models are already finished and animated and they couldn't put them in the game. So it's closer to 400-500 models. Then we consider the fact that cyber sleuth has far better environments and story along with animated cutscenes. All of this with a fraction of pokemon's budget, and they still want to add much more to the games.