Serperior grabs an opponent with the end of it's tail
>Up ThrowSerperior spins once then chucks the opponent into the air, this move has a high launch rate, and can KO lighter opponents at high percentages
>Forward ThrowSerperior simply tosses the opponent forward, not a very high launch rate on this move
>Back ThrowSerperior coils around the opponent and then launches them behind it in a springboard fashion, medium launch rate
>Down ThrowSerperior slams the opponent into the ground, making them bounce shorty off the ground, low launch rate, can make for an easy combo starter
>Neutral Special:Leaf Storm - Serperior summons a circular hail of leaves to quickly spin around it's body, this move has a very high launch rate and damage, however if used too many times in succession it becomes weaker
>Up SpecialLeaf Torndado - Serperior summons a tornado of leaves to launch it upwards, any opponent hit by thr tornado is hit by many rapid attacks until the tornado dissipates
>Side SpecialLeech Seed - Serperior shoots a seed toward the side, any opponent hit by it takes damage over time, and if Serperior hits them during this time, leech seed stops, and Serperior is healed based on how long the leech seed was on the opponent, the healing caps at 10%, which is roughly 10 seconds of leech seed time
>Down SpecialCoil - Serperior coils it's body to increase it's defenses, charging this move for long enough will activate Contrary
Contrary - Serperior now has an increased attack & defense, at the cost of no longer having as much speed or jumping power for 15 seconds, but Leaf Storm no longer gets weaker with repeated used, using Coil again cancels whatever remaining time Contrary has