ayyyyy sorry for the delay on these,
Gym TM Batch 1 Name Survey 1 Results:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-9KM6LPY7/these are the names that advance to the next round:
for the Ice Gym
>Ice Rink>Icy Terrain>Freeze Over>Black Ice>Icescapefor the Steel Gym
>Forge Press>Piston Strike>Forge Slam>Forge Tackle>Smeltfor the Water Gym
>Depth Charge>Deep Pressure>Submerge>Flash Flood>Ocean Crash (tied with Compression so both got in)>Compression (tied with Ocean Crash so both got in)the next survey begins now:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GymTMsBatch1Names2THIS SURVEY WILL CLOSE IN 1 WEEK, TUESDAY, FEB. 24TH, AT 9:00AM PST