Hi there! I'm new to this thread. Just wanted to link 2 "rumors" together, in case someone else finds that interestings.
https://twitter.com/Junichi_Masuda/status/1096222887810293761As we all know, Masuda posted this image where some people think that 199 refers to Slowking (ヤドキング or Yadoking in japanese) and the number 4.16 (416) refers to Vespiquen (ビークイン or Beequen in japanese). I wanted to clarify the japanese names too because if those names didn't include King / queen in their japanese names this whole theory wouldn't make any sense to begin with.
Now, this 4chan archived thread is a bit old (January 1st 2019):
https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/37297621/To make thing easier, here's the message that's interesting, which probably has been discussed in the past:
https://imgur.com/a/NivByWqMy point is, if this "anonymous" person pointed out that the next games were going to be called King and Queen, and then we've got an image from Masuda where we have 2 numbers representing 2 pokémon with "king" and "queen" in their names, isn't it likely that the guy who posted that back in January 1st has real info about the games?
This makes even more sense when we add that Let's go was "leaked" on april 1st, then revealed around 2 months later (may 29th iirc). The king and queen 4chan post was made in january 1st, and the games "may" be revealed in the next few days.
Hope someone found this interesting, let me know what you think / something I posted is completely wrong (I haven't been active in this "rumor" stuff for a lot of time so I don't really know if, for example, that 4chan post was already debunked or something)
>King and Queen>PiUK (Pokémon in United Kingdom)>Island and city rumor"It all comes together"