>>41412837You would literally need a dictatorship to make that happen. If you were to try and pull that off with policy's like that, all the world's governments, corporations, and bankers would use all of their power necessary to destroy any kind of movement with ideas like that before they got anywhere. Getting large groups of people in this day and age to get along with politics/philosophy like that would be immensely difficult especially due the brainwashing done by giant multinational corporations to convince people that copyright law is just, when in fact, it is the opposite. For a example for how deep the brain washing goes, look at any brain dead Pokémon fan that defends gamefreak even at this point. Now imagine that same person advocating for politics that remove or nearly completely remove copyright. Even then, if said hypothetical group got anywhere, the groups from before, that being the bankers, governments, and corporations would all declare war on you. After they win overwhelmingly, they would destroy your culture and debase it, kill and or replace your people, and publicly shit on everything you love. The only way for a good Pokémon game to come out at this point realistically, without a total political overhaul for the betterment of the human race, it would require Nintendo to step in and make their own Pokémon game and or for a group of indie devs to make their own Pokémon game with no Pokémon.
I hate the current year.