>>52417078Emufag here.
I paid zero dollary doos for the games.
Honestly I like it. I didn't pay for it so it's not buyer's remorse. Maybe if you play every single game you'd be hit with hard burnout, I skip games. I didn't encounter any of the bugs people mention, but all the clips I've seen were in co-op. Even when I buy the games legit I don't play co-op so I don't know, maybe they're more prevalent there.
Like the game isn't perfect.
Shinies are probably the worst shit of any gen. It's like they got the guy who picked shiny gengar colors to pick shiny colors for half the fucking dex.
Map could have been more intricate.
Definitely should have had level scaling to really let you play shit it any order you want.
Could have done with a more interesting legendary encounters, the spikes and seals were extremely forgettable.
Locking like 200 mons behind home transfer instead of putting them in dens was a mistake. Doesn't affect emufag like me, I can just pkhex and transfer or generate them, but paying customers really got the shaft HARD on that one.
That being said. I can see how the games got to be popular. It's mostly kids and fanboys playing it. They'll always overlook flaws and defend it to their dying breath. Cyberpunk has like a million players right now just because of the anime and the game is fucking garbage. So if it can do well, why shouldn't pokemon with just some bugs?