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I thought how much which Pokemon has the most Japanese porn could be interesting, so I went though every Pokemon on Pixiv, turned on the NSFW filter and counted everything up.
Notably, because of the more general demographics using the site Gardevoir beats out Lucario because all the non-furries that would draw porn of her, and there's an unusual 3 Pokemon that got high numbers due to being the ones fucking other Pokemon or human characters.
1. Gardevoir (1788)
2. Lucario (1450)
3. Pikachu (1225)
4. Zangoose (1011)
5. Eevee (741)
6. Umbreon (716)
7. Glaceon (692)
8. Lopunny (611)
9. Charizard (609)
10. Braixen (540)
11. Zoroark (538)
12. Sylveon (504)
13. Vaporeon (493)
14. Snivy (491)
15. Kirlia (462)
Gen I
1. Pikachu (1225)
2. Eevee (741)
3. Charizard (609)
4. Vaporeon (493)
5. Jolteon (458)
6. Flareon (381)
7. Ditto (273)
8. Hypno (259)
9. Vulpix (254)
10. Raichu (244)
Gen II
1. Umbreon (716)
2. Lugia (404)
3. Espeon (400)
4. Typhlosion (324)
5. Quilava (198)
6. Ampharos (180)
7. Miltank (148)
8. Pichu (145)
9. Celebi (136)
10. Feraligatr & Tyranitar (111)
1. Gardevoir (1788)
2. Zangoose (1011)
3. Kirlia (462)
4. Absol (442)
5. Blaziken (397)
6. Mawile (388)
7. Latias (328)
8. Mightyena (260)
9. Flygon (238)
10. Jirachi (209)
Gen IV
1. Lucario (1450)
2. Glaceon (692)
3. Lopunny (611)
4. Leafeon (452)
5. Garchomp & Riolu (235)
6. Luxray (208)
7. Weavile (181)
8. Buizel (157)
9. Floatzel (155)
10. Shaymin (151)