If we're talking in-game, the idea of a starter is that's the one you went with and chose because you liked it over the others or wanted to try it out. If you just picked one then traded over two others to get them all, then it feels like the idea of a starter loses meaning because you just went "fuck it" and are just in it for the collection value or fillers than the "this starters my bro, that's why I went with it".
Personally its not as fun when half your team are starters, especially since they all grow and evolve at the same time and have BST of 530-ish, I did it with Sinnoh and it just wasn't as fun because it also limited trying out new things like water or ground types when I already had one, ground being Torterra, and adding a flying type in for obligatory flying, it left me with a whopping option for 2 slots to fill with any non-overlapping types.
>>23135070>starters based on a personality testIts mystery dungeons all over again.