>>49016224>>49016233>>49016276But this particular Absol decide halfway through walking down our lane at the start of the game to start stealing the jungle from our Froakie, which caused the enemy Bulbasaur + Swinub to easily bully me (As Bulbasaur) in the bottom lane and knock me out. Then he showed up way too late to the fight and tried to take them both out by himself and died in legitimately five seconds.
He then went back into the jungle yet again even though our now Frogadier was still trying to assume the jungle role as he was rotating lanes. This left our lane, once again, just me defending on the second life and I got rushed by the laners + jungler and obliterated again. Our Absol repeated the same failed strategy of showing up too late and died immediately.
Then our Absol decided that lane was garbage and went to the top, 20 seconds before Drednaw, so naturally our team was already rotating to the bottom leaving him alone at the top. We struggled in the teamfight at the bottom, getting some but not getting others as some of the enemy was now at a higher level thanks to our fucked up level distribution and underleveled jungler and we failed to take enough space to get Drednaw. Our Absol decided to rotate to the fight way too late as we were all dying, then just sat in the bush waiting to snipe Drednaw (and failed).
After that, I never saw Absol in any teamfight, ever. I had no idea what he was doing. By the end with Articuno when it was obvious we were gonna lose, he bailed to hopelessly go backcap even though it was far too late. So to top it all off, he played horrible and got MVP because of his backcaps.
There's a difference between, "I can't play this Pokemon" and "I can't play this game". Where the fuck was this dude's gamesense? Why did he steal from our jungler? Why did he refuse to play lanes? Why was he constantly at the wrong spot? Why did it feel like he was never using his camera to check what was happening in the map? What the fuck.