Quoted By:
>What are you hunting? What method are you using?
Furfrou, MM.
>Why this shiny?
One of the 5 shinies I need to have all 6th gen shiny pokemon.
>Favorite Pokemon? How do you feel about its shiny?
Clauncher. Clauncher's shiny is badass, however I don't like how on Clawitzer the black changes to blue instead of white like Clauncher.
>Worst shiny overall? Why?
Barbaracle, it just looks like toothpaste.
>Why do you hunt instead of Instachecking, Genning, etc.?
Mostly because I'd rather not cheat for my shinies
>Favorite movie?
Not big on movies honestly. From what I have seen though, probably Team America
>Favorite band/musical group?
>The last thing you ate is now the only thing you can eat for the rest of your life. What is it?
>What are your fears/phobias?
I'm afraid of change, I like to stick to what I know.
>Do you believe in spooks? Aliens? Anything supernatural?
I believe there's bound to be some sort of alien life somewhere.