>>25164883This document is 655 lines long.
Removing empty lines, 626.
Of these, 187 don't begin with an opening quote. (I found none that begin with narration and then dialog.)
Seventy percent of this document's lines begin with somebody opening a mouth and making words—who at first we guess because any identifying narration always follows the quotation.
The longest line owned by the narrator alone is:
>His eyes flickered occasionally, and he began to slow down as the soothing sound of winds blowing and branches rattling sounded around him.Twenty-three words. And it's late in the document, not early where the narrator should be establishing setting.
>soothing sounds … sounded around him.This is why we always listen to how our words sound before we commit to a sentence.
You are writing a script for a radio play. Find yourself some voice actors and make something awesome.