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I was 8 when RB came to Europe/America and it was a phenomenon that I couldn't compare to anything else right now. Literally every single kid HAD to have a gameboy with pokemon, or they would be mocked and traumatized for life.
Exchanging pokemon with the cable was dope, the few kids with a gameshark were treated as wizards, and everyone knew "that kid" with mew, missingno, ecc.
Maybe the best thing was the lack of widespread internet. Nowadays if something like the missingno glitch or the "turn off during box" dupe glitch or the mew glitch came out, in 1 hour tops the whole youtube, twitter and twitch would be invaded by NEW GLITCH DISCOVERED REACTION CLICK LIKE SUBSCRIBE videos, and in 1.5 hours every single player with internet access would know about the glitch and exploit it as much as possible to minmax their shitty max EV IV nature bred shitmons.
Back then you just had "that kid" that actually showed you mew on his gameboy (at the time it was gamesharked as the glitch was discovered much later) and you would literally lose your shit and beg him to dupe one for you so that you could become "that kid" for your classmates.
I want to go back