>>33923166>>33923420>>33930137>Editing loopI feel like I'm in one myself but it's less, "Is this dialogue working?" and more "Does this part make sense in context?" It's makes me rework things until it does fit.
Because of that, I'm rebooting the whole of DS. The whole concept is great and do I like what I have, but the setting, and subsequent conflict in-story, is too hazy in my eyes to make it work so I have to do a whole background shift- something that won't work with the story currently out. It sucks but I feel it's for the best. The whole basis for the story (mass exile) didn't even have that good an explanation honestly. This time, I hope to make it far more clear.>>33926009>>33933163>What gets me out of that funk is usually letting someone else look at it and tell me whether or not my worries are correct or not.I wish someone on either FF or AO3 did so but alas, no luck. I've had to stake out edits all on my lonesome.Also, like Solar, kudos MD for the slightly gibberish but somewhat understandable language. I've been inspired by it to create
an entirely claw-based sign language for use. Hopefully, when I post the rebooted DS,
I don't feel like an idiot for doing so.