>>51224011To add to this I'll say everything plays a big role when it comes to making good battles, but what truly matters, in the end, is the narrative behind the battle. Personally, I find Ash Vs Alan to be the prime example of this. Shit looks beautiful, the fights in the first half despite being clearly rushed are well done with some nice choreography and animation. As far as 6V6 battles go from a technical point, it is definitely in the top 4. But at the end of the day, its own downfall is its writing. And I'm not talking about Ash losing but of everything prior to the confrontation itself. Alan's character and driving force are poorly done and overdramatic for the sake of it. Their rivalry can hardly be called one. I could expand on this but to keep it short, Alan is just a Harrison and Tyson who met Ash 20 episodes earlier and I'm being generous because outside of their two battles, their interactions were minimal and empty. Even then, I'm ashamed to admit that Ash Vs Alan is in my Top 3 favorite battles to rewatch (Because of spectacle alone) with Ash Vs Paul in Lake Acuity and League ahead.