I'm getting my ass fucking handed to me on this run.
Spent ages training up my exeggcute and koffing since I thought they would be total Chuck-killers as a team. They get fucking bodied by the first trainer inside's hitmonchan thanks to freeze hacks. BUT HEY AT LEAST THE STATUTORY RAPE IS OFF THE TEAM.
Ana Lucia died earlier to a trainer in the lighthouse and now Richard/Sun are starting to look at Mr. Eko funny. Shannon is a bit of an air-head so she married him anyway. But maybe she sees something in him the others do not.
Didn't find any Mantine on the way to Cianwood so Penny is with Jin now. I vaguely remember Ledian being a boss in the original gen 2 titles cause it could learn all the punches but I do not think that is an option here.
aww shit I just realized i screwed up the picture. I did get a corsola. He name is Juliet and shee is currently in the box. Glad I got plenty of time to grind tonight. I think it will now be Mr. Eko/SHannon taking point against Chuck later.
>>43646625Dude hell yeah! Best of luck! Keep the champs are ineligible rule in mind when making your team. My original Red team had 4 pokemon that could have run through Kanto basically by themselves. If I could go back, i would have (for example) saved Gyarados for post-physical/special split. Of course, untimely deaths usually don't let us choose our teams. Which is part of the fun!