>pokemonScolipede, big centipede horse is a friend.
>gameW2, only game I've maxed the clock out on
>spinoffConquest, had most of the DS spin-offs but I just like strategy rpgs
>female characterErika, she's really cute
>male characterColress, he's funny with the science
>rivalHugh, but mostly from a design perspective, as I've gotten older his motive seemed sort of lame, but I appreciate how he's the rival who feels most like a bro.
>protagonist designsDawn, but only Platinum Dawn
>mechanicweirdest question on here...the type chart I guess?
>gimmick triple battles
>/vp/ memeI like fug, it's not always funny but it's better than saying offensive shit for the sake of being offensive.
>>43095701Didn't know people liked Shuffle and you like the XY protags so it's a 9/10 from me