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I'd probably go to school to become a pokemon breeder or a nurse.
On top of that, I'd kind of prefer living in either Hoenn or Alola due to my love of swimming, but barring that, Johto. Generally on a nice wooded path a bit away from a city, so that i'd have plenty of space to build the ranch/breeding/daycare center so the pokemon could run around.
I'd probably have Oddish as my starter, as I love the line (Vileplume side.)
Vileplume and Pelliper could help me with the plants/garden.
For breeding, Ditto is there for when I don't have a suitable partner for the pokemon in question of course.
Espeon to help me find out what's wrong with pokemon if I can't tell, and to help with lifting things due to their psychic power.
Talonflame is for hatching eggs and getting to places quickly (IE: The pokemon center for emergencies, or traveling around the ranch.)
Pelliper, other than helping with the plants, could be trained to handle mail and carry things.
And Audino would team up with Vileplume to help with injuries, via Heal Pulse and Aromatherapy, so long as they weren't serious enough to warrant a pokemon center visit.
Other than breeding for something specific, I'd also try to have some common pokemon set aside for new trainers/kids who want a starter but wouldn't be able to afford anything rare/get one from the professor of the region.
And if possible I would set up a pokemon spa/clinic for people to have their pokemon taken care of and pampered to reduce stress, like bathing, cleaning, and massages, ect.