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Now that Megas will be back, what are you most interested in checking out? The meta has evolved a bit since Megas were last relevant and there are new tools as well as new dynamics that I'm really curious to see how Megas will interact. I think we now have a meta where you can reliably set terrains, fairies are a lot more diverse, and there are just a lot more interesting abilities and moves floating around out there. This is all of course assuming that GF doesn't fuck with everything because of their newfound love of resetting and cutting shit all the time...
Some things that came to mind for me:
>Body Press Mega Aggron
>Shell Smash Mega Blastoise
>Trailblaze Mega Kangaskhan
>Flip Turn Mega Swampert
>Shed Tail Mega Sceptile
>Expanding Force Mega Zam
>Rising Voltage Mega Manec
>Mega Venusaur with reliable terrain
>Mega Abomasnow with Veil and the new Snow weather