>tfw there will never be an Umineko hack for someone to use my sprites Sad frog.
>>35883530I can't disagree with the fact that this looks cool, but this looks like a cheap game from the early 2000s with prerendered CG graphics as sprites.
>>35883871>>35883881>>35883891>>35883902>>35895870So cute! Is your region based off of some real world location or are you making it up?
>>35889818>liking cute anime girls automatically means you want to fug them>>35894080>>35895713Reborn is nowhere near "good", sorry. The gameplay is bullshit that punishes you for not playing the way the devs want you to (instead of rewarding you for doing what they want), the story and writing are a constant 24/7 train of dA-tier cringe and the sprites are a fucking mess. It has some really good and creative ideas, but as a whole it's just terribly executed.
>>35900178Looking good, anon!
>>35904356I haven't played Cloud White, but judging from the screenshots and the thread it's an ugly mess with no sense or thought put into it.
>>35909170Just wait for someone over at Pokecommunity to come up with something for its ability desu.