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Hey guys, looking for some help here. I'm normally pretty consistently around 1500 on showdown, but lately, I just can't seem to win anymore. My rating has pretty much dropped down into the 1200s and it's been there for the better part of a week now, because I can't seem to win more than one game in a row. And even if I do win a couple in a row, I'll go and lose another 3 or 4. I've tried about 6 or 7 different teams in that span (stall, hyper offense, baton pass, gimmicky, balance), but no matter what I try, I just can't seem to get anything going the right way.
So that's where you guys hopefully would be able to help. I want to build a team that might be able to get some momentum going for me. I really don't have a starting point to build the team with other than that I really like to use Landorus-I with a Life Orb, but other than that there isn't much. I'm not asking you guys to completely build a new team, but maybe point me in the right direction so I can find out how to suck less and start actually winning.
Pic related, my most recent failure. Manaphy seems to be the only one doing anything good in the team, especially if I can get up the screens and rocks with Deoxys-S