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I'm back with my Randomized game. Rules:
>Randomized Power of moves
>Randomized Accuracy of moves
>Randomized type of Pokémon
>Randomized stats of Pokémon
>Pokémon evolve into random Pokémon and change types
>Catch first you see
>If you get an OHKO, you get the next one
>If a Pokemon faints off an OHKO, you can revive it
The reason deaths is off is because the game is hella broken, there is no way to even estimate what's coming at you.
I just barely made it to Pewter City alive...
Here's my team:
Huff the Psychic Hoppip
Ice Ball, 25PP, Power 50, Accuracy 100
Heat Wave, 20PP, Power 55, Accuracy 90
Fury Cutter, 20PP, Power 65, Accuracy 95
Sense the Fire/Ice Ralts
Secret Power, 15PP
Milk Drink, 20PP
Itchy the Ground/Water Slakoth
Bubble, 20PP, Power 65, Accuracy 100
Perish Song, 35PP
Wing Attack, 25PP, Power 65, Accuracy 100
Pinki the Psychic Whismur
Leech Life, 15PP, Power 60, Accuracy 95
Confuse Ray, 25PP
Squiggle the Normal Spinarak
Flamethrower, 20PP, Power 75, Accuracy 100
Double Kick, 15PP, Power 40, Accuracy 100
Teeter Dance