Time for the buttfucking.
I'm not allowing myself any of the gift mon/eggs in addition to the area encounters, this is pure nuzlocke (though I will Pinwheel Clause where possible). Maybe if I ever do Intense difficulty or if I die a lot in this run I may swap it up.
To make this even more ballbustingly 'fun', I'm going to complete all side bosses as soon as they're available (unless they're flat bullshit, like the lady with the fucking level 90 Alakazam before the first gym).
>>48372617Holy shit what an incomprehensibly based motherfucker of a team. Love to see what kind of team you'd build for Platinum or even other games.
>>48372788Nice rebuild! Love the Altaria and Banette.
>>48373052Nice work with Flannery.
>killing my own starterWhile it does suck, it'll hopefully make you alert for the next time it could potentially happen.
>>48373120>next level shitFor sure lol. I may revisit it one day with a 'Sammy clause' where I can just get past the fucker with all the mons I need. I don't have enough free time to reset a billion times and I don't want to be dishonest, and I'm committed to this already.
>sub-areas within areasDefinitely just take advantage. There are some encounters early game Rejuv (such as the Shuppet/Pachirisu) which are listed as being in their own areas and you bet your ass I'm grabbing them.