Quoted By:
>go to Poni Meadow to catch dratini to finish my alolan pokedex
>after a few fishing attempts, I get a dratini
>decide to make it call for other dratini because I wanted one with HA, had the needed pokemon for it anyway
>suddenly, a shiny dragonair appears
>oh shit, it probably has dragon tail
>the only higher-leveled pokemon I had is the one that would OHKO it and didn't have any status moves, the others could be thrown away and weren't fairy type
>I panic
>I want to catch it in a matching pokeball, but either I had none or they had a small catch rate
>huh, a dusk ball
>probably will do for the shiny dragonite and the situation we're in
>catches it at a first throw
>ok I good
Later, I do regret I've evolved it and dusk ball still doesn't quite match it