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Alright someone really needs to hold my hand with this one because I've been walking around with bramblin for HOURS, leveled him from 15 to 45, and the little niglet still won't fucking evolve.
There's TWO ways to bring out a mon to the overworld, one is throwing the ball with ZR, where the mon will pop out if the ball hits the ground instead of another mon. In this mode the mon will follow you around as long as it doesn't get too far away. Then there's the "let's go" feature, triggered by the R feature, which will spawn the mon at your feet and attack the nearest pokemon without entering a battle. If no mon is nearby, bramblin will just chill there and do nothing even as you walm away.
I've asked multiple times in this thread and elsewhere, and people have told me to use the "let's go" feature and press R instead of ZR on multiple occasions.
Here's the big question: How the FUCK am I supposed to walk 1000 steps when this faglet keeps attacking other mons or just standing still when in "let's go" mode (R instead of ZR).
Can someone please tell me exactly what buttons to press and how to fucking walk this little piece of shit and possibly even where to add it to my god damn pokedex? Thanks.